Bash Shell Tab-Completion Case Insensitive Setup

We using BASH shell filename tab completion feature to complete file names.
However default tab-completion in bash case-sensitive.
So we need set this to case insensitive to making it more easy to use.

According to bash man page completion-ignore-case set to Off. If set to On, readline
performs filename matching and completion in a case-insensitive fashion. Readline has
variables that can be used to further customize its behavior. A variable may be set in
the /etc/inputrc file with a statement of the form.
You need to add set completion-ignore-case on to /etc/inputrc command:

$ sudo vi /etc/inputrc

Append text as follows:

set completion-ignore-case on

Close and save the file and reboot system to ebable this setting file.
For more information read bash man page.

Or, execute command dirctly, but this can only be used before you shutdown your system.
So all you have to do is type following command:

$ set completion-ignore-case on