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I add it just for myself use easily.

20160312 Sat
Today i came to ikina office to learn scala and begin to write my tech blog to keep all my way to tech in mind .
I had learned play!framework and scala recently. Our system is using play and scala ,at first scala is not friendly to this java used me ,but I had learn more and more ,hard and hard .
I want to got to Silicon Valley beacuse my tech teacher mr kobayashi told me I shoud go to Amerian where have the world’s most advanced IT tech and average salary is so high, and my girl-friend as a nurse is easily to find job at American and salary is more high than singapore.
So I make this plan to go to work in silicon Valley .Mr kobayashi tode me you shoud have a higher plan, So that you can learn more and more than your can.


Today I want to clone my‘s git to my mac, but I can’t set my git remote smooothly, So I ask google ,and 1 hour later, I find good solution. It is :<4>


There hava a good teacher Mr kobayashi, So it’s my all life chance, So I had to work hard and learn hard.It is so good chance I had ever meet.


The following is scala vim plugin.:::::::::::::::::

scala highlight vim plugin

  • scalaコードのシンタックスハイライトがvimでもできます。
    vim scala plugin

vim Vundle install

install vim bundle


set git remote url

git remote set-url origin

check remote

git remote -v

get ssh keys

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “

add SSH keys to the ssh-agent

<1> Ensure ssh-agent
eval “$(ssh-agent -s)”

<2>add ssh key to the ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa2